For this, the musical revue "Cofrade Harmony," directed by Andrew M. Alfonso Quiles, is pleased to inform you that, as usual in the seven years of existence our publication (unique nationally) after obliged parentheses holiday July and August late next September, will a new editing "Armonía Cofrade" the n º 46 (September-October 2010) and which include numerous novelties in regards new sections and design promises some following contents:
Editorial, letters to director, questionnaire cofrade (this issue the protagonist will prestigious journalist and outside crier Easter José Luis Garrido Bustamante) musical heritage (second delivery dedicate to brotherhood La Estrella, and Juan Antonio de la Bandera), musical short Easter 2010 (part III), interview (continue with the second part of the dedicated to David Hurtado, Francisco Javier Torres), images of memory, run (Moses Viretti will talk about the march "Macareno Anniversary", the composer recalled José Velázquez), reviewing (by Miguel Ángel Font), musical advice (by Jose Javier Montoro) news, my music corner, discography, interview (before the demand our dear readers, will continue with the fifth installment of the graphic summary of what happened at the First National Congress Processional Bands "City de Sevilla "held in our city last December), chronic (" Homenaje a Juan Chincoa and concert band Our Lady Arahal Victoria, Part II, by Jose M. Casanova), current (Band Vera Cruz de Utrera with ... "the struggle for life", part II, by Jose Luis Benavides), etc.
Receive a cordial and affectionate greeting.
The Editors.